Erasmus+ Project (2022-1-ES02-KA220-YOU-000086085)
Today's youth spend time on digital entertainment and social networks. This makes them more passive state and have difficulty to express themselves, self-confidence and critical thinking, etc.
We do not want youth to be passive spectators; we want them to become entrepreneurs by taking advantage of digital opportunities. One of the goals we want to achieve is to guide young people as the digital entrepreneurs of the future to be more participative individuals in societies.
Work Packages
The project is composed by different Work Packages that structure the hole works to be done in the frame of the project. Here you can find detailed information about each!

WP1. Project Management
This Work Package is focused on Project Management (online meetings, TPMs, monitoring, risks analysis, reporting, etc.)

WP2. How to become a digital entrepreneur? (training)
The Work Package will consist of the following sub-modules:
1- Developing a curriculum for digital entrepreneurship for young people
2- Mentoring and support for the start of digital entrepreneurship for young people” handbook
3- Digital Entrepreneurship Handbook
4- Web tools and E-learning/E-Book “Digital Entrepreneurship e-Learning platform for young people

WP4. Multiplier Events and dissemination
This work package is focused on reaching young people, dissemination of resources created in Universities and youth associations, reach relevant stakeholders and promote the visibility of the cooperation actions of the Erasmus+
Working to reduce the rising unemployment rates among young people in a constantly changing world
Unemployed youth can benefit from e-learning platforms to be created for digital entrepreneurship initiative and "NEWDIGISHIP touchpoint" support tools and mechanisms created locally. It empowers unemployed youth for digital entrepreneurship startups by developing an innovative and up-to-date handbook as well as an online course. It offers better quality opportunities for unemployed youth to develop their innovation and creativity skills for digital entrepreneurship.
Online training
The objectives of NEWDIGISHIP Project are focused on fostering digital entrepreneurship knowledge and supporting young people to start a digital business!
Promote digital entrepreneurship between young people (18-28 years old)
Transforming the society by offering new opportunities to young people
Transferring the results to the other countries and institutions
Support young people in order to facilitate the process of digital entrepreneurship
Decreasing the levels of youth unemployment by working on digital entrepreneurship
Promotion of Youth Workers recognition and the activation of cross-sectoral collaborations that enhance their role in school contexts and in parallel with teaching activity
Support youth workers and leaders by providing them tools related with digital entrepreneurship
Improve resilience, emotion management and develop meaningful relationships
Introduce new technologies such as mobile computing, data analytics, e-learning, cloud computing, blockchain, social media marketing